
Izwan Ismail
2 min readJul 19, 2021
A tree doesn’t stop growing, it keeps growing and continues to produce fruits. What happens is we continue?

A piece of advice I was given earlier in my life was — learn when to stop. As I grow older and stop pursuing many things that I want to do, I started to ask — what if I push this a little further? The pain is there, but what is beyond this threshold?

That is when I discovered — things that are worth pursuing are worth persevering for. Not stop when it gets hard — but to push because the resistance is a point of comfort.

Beyond comfort lies change.

Change is what everyone talks about, but not many dare to embrace it. Some will opine change to others but will not go through change themselves.

I have gone through my share of change — from a timid boy to an outspoken entrepreneur and level-minded corporate leader (I was told).

In my life as a change agent, I face resistance even from those who brought me in to help them change — I don’t blame them. The process of change is chaotic and is base on uncertainties.

The process will affect Business-as-usual because to the business units — change is unusual.

“learn when to stop.”

I say — don’t stop, keep going. “it’s getting harder” keep going. “I am not sure this will work” keep going. “ I am afraid that it might break the business” keep going.

The process is not new. Many fail to commit — to persevere. Only when you push past the threshold is where you will celebrate the milestone.

Having a vision will guide you through the storm — don’t stop, keep going — embrace the chaos.

Own the process, the outcome is the by product.




Izwan Ismail

I am a contributor and keen observer of Business,Technology and Design in South East Asia.