Mapping the Malaysian Design landscape

Izwan Ismail
2 min readOct 16, 2020


UXMY 2014 Conference held in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia

It’s been more than a decade now since I last started my career in design. I am seeing more UI/UX design job posts now than I have when I first started. 2020 has been a weird year for all of us. I feel that it is time to map out the digital design landscape and open topics that matter like the pay gap, gender biasses, and many more.

What has happened since

In 2015 the company that co-founded was acquired by McKinsey & Company. First acquisition in Malaysia, and I have spent 2 years working with them and advising companies around Asia and South East Asia.

I am convinced that Digital Design has a bright future and is much needed. We must bring the customers voice forth for businesses to be more sustainable and society centric.

I have since left McKinsey and joined a regional Bank to help them transform their customer journey. I am in a unique position — a founder who has exited; I have consulted multinationals, currently transforming a bank and a seasoned community builder.

It’s been 8 years now since I founded UX Malaysia (UXMY), and I think it is time to map out the digital design landscape in Malaysia.

Data,data,trends and insights

This research that I am launching — looks to surface data, trends, and themes that can further understand and develop future needs.

Goals of this study:

  • Provide a landscape of where the concentration of digital designers
  • The gender ratio of digital designers
  • The pay scale and to identify if there is a pay gap/biasses
  • To surface the industries that are adopting digital design
  • To understand the make between Malaysian and Non-Malaysians

I will share my findings as this study develops.




Izwan Ismail

I am a contributor and keen observer of Business,Technology and Design in South East Asia.