It’s going to be alright.

Izwan Ismail
2 min readJul 20, 2021

If you need this — then I am happy to extend it to you

It may seem dark and at wit’s end — but you are doing alright

You are doing okay, yes you might be at the bottom, and yes, that is the last place you expect to be.

I want you to know that you are alright. Someone is noticing you, and something beyond your understanding is happening.

you are not alone.

reaching out to someone — it’s okay for them to say “no” to you

keep looking for the “yes”

“But I am afraid of rejections” — I understand. I urge you to try

you need one “yes” from someone in the seas of “no.”

you will be alright.It’s going to be alright

If you need this — then I am happy to extend it to you

It may seem dark and at wits end — but you are doing alright

You are doing okay, yes you might be at the bottom and yes, that is the last place you expect to be.

I want you to know that you are alright. There’s someone noticing you and something beyond your understanding is happening.

you are not alone

reach out to someone — it’s okay for them to say no to you

keep looking for the yes

“But I am afraid of rejections” — I understand, I urge you to try

you just need one “yes” from someone in the seas of “no”

you will be alright.



Izwan Ismail

I am a contributor and keen observer of Business,Technology and Design in South East Asia.